Saturday, June 21, 2014

Cashiers-Sapphire Homes For Sale Real Estate is Looking Up
It's cool in the mountains in Cashiers/Sapphire, NC.

Real Estate in the mountains is exceptional; the views, waterfalls, golf, hiking, and the outdoor spirit!

Florida and Georgia which feed our market is picking up and as the weather gets warmer, the mountains stay much cooler and are a nice get-a-way.  Here are some stats courtesy of Alan Cone in my office.  He is much better at this stuff.

Below is information from  the Multiple Listings Service which service Highlands, Cashiers, Sapphire Valley, Lake Toxaway and Glenville area year to date over the same time last year.

2013 Year to Date:   Number of sales  130    Sales volume  $67,741,000  Average Sales Price  $521,085

2014 Year to Date:   Number of sales  114    Sales volume  $68,548,000   Average Sales Price $601,304

While the numbers of sales are down and the sales volume is up only slightly, the average sales price is up 15% over the same period last year.

Lower priced homes and distress sales are down this year. The belief is that these sales are drying up.

Distress Sale Sold Listings:

Year To Date 2013 = 26 sales for $7.45 million  
Year to Date 2014  = 12 sales for $3.37 million

I'll be updating this periodically.

There are some great values still available and we are just getting into season.

CALL with any questions!  I'd love to work with you.

Sapphire-Cashiers, NC