Monday, August 6, 2012

Sunday morning. 2 rainbows.

Can you see them both? Sometimes we have to look harder to seek joy!

AND I ask the ? Is JOY an inner note that you sound as you move through your day?

Your "thinking" partner and Life Coach...Dr. MEL

Saturday, August 4, 2012

"The mountains are calling and I must go"  John Muir

I can't resist opening up my mind and my heart when I am sitting on a mountain top. It's easier to honor what is true and opening up to joy. Courage of this sort is the result of being authentic..for I am always seeking the truth!

Your thinking partner, 
 Dr. MEL

Purple Moon

Full moon in the mountains!

AND I ask the ? Could you hear me howling?

Your "thinking" partner and life coach...Dr. MEL

Thursday, August 2, 2012

We all share the same essential aloneness.

AND so I ask the ?   – - Are you willing to go where you’ve never been?

Your “thinking” partner and life coach.  Dr. MEL